Second Annual PADEMIA Conference

Date:  2-3 july, 2015
Place: TEPSA, Brussels (Belgium)
Contact person:
Alexander Hoppe (content) and Laura Ventura (logistics)


Additional Information

The conference will consist of parallel thematic workshops organised along the lines of PADEMIA’s seven research themes. Keynote speeches from external practitioners and EU decision makers further elaborate on the themes of the project. Moreover, the winners of the student paper competition as well as the annual research and teaching awards will be announced (see the calls for the competition papers below)


The conference will also serve as a platform for the partner institutions to meet and discuss the management, activities and timelines of the project. Moreover, it will enable the partners to exchange teaching practices on the subject of parliamentary democracy in Europe, to offer opportunities to make contacts in Brussels, and to enhance collaboration and develop synergies for research and publications.



Find the progamme here. (updated 22-6-2015)

Find the call for papers here. (deadline before 15 May 2015)

Find the best research award call here. (deadline before 15 May 2015)

Find the teacher award call here. (deadline before 15 May 2015)

Find the student award call here. (deadline before 15 May 2015)


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