Other Publications

Conference Report: Highlights from PADEMIA Research (2016)

available at link (pdf).


PADEMIA Report: Taking Stock of National and European Debates on Turkey/EU-Turkey Relations (2016)

available at link (pdf).


Simon Stroβ (2014)

One Goal, many paths. The promotion of Policy Coherence for Development in EU policy formulation.


available at link (pdf) and link (print).

Jozef Bartora (2014)

Fringe Players and the Diplomatic Order: The ‘New’ Heteronomy.


available at link (print).

Oliver Höing and Katrin Auel (2014)

Parliaments in the Euro Crisis: Can the Losers of Integration Still Fight Back?


available in Journal of Common Market Studies.

Davor Jancic (2013)

Recasting Monism and Dualism in European Parliamentary Law: The Lisbon Treaty in Britain and France.


available in Basic Concepts of Public International Law: Monism and Dualism, by Marko Novakovic (ed.), Belgrade: University of Belgrade, Institute of Comparative Law and Institute of International Politics and Economics, 2013, pp. 803-829.

Davor Jancic (2014)

Countering the Debt Crisis: National Parliaments and EU Economic Governance.


available in LSE Law Policy, Briefing Paper, Vol. 1, No. 1, 2014.

Davor Jancic (2014)

The European Parliament and EU-US Relations: Revamping Institutional Cooperation?


available in A Transatlantic Community of Law: Legal Perspectives on the Relationship between the EU and US Legal Orders, by Elaine Fahey and Deirdre Curtin (eds), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 35-68.

Davor Jancic (2014)

Multilayered International Parliamentarism: The Case of EU-Brazil Relations.


available in LSE Law, Society and Economy Working Papers no. 17/2014.

Carlos Closa and Aleksandra Maatsch (2014)

In a spirit of solidarity? Justifying the European Financial Stability Facility (EFSF) in national parliamentary debates.


available in Journal of Common Market Studies, vol. 52(4).

Aleksandra Maatsch (2014)

Are we all austerians now? An analysis of national parliamentary parties’ positioning on anti-crisis measures in the eurozone.


available in Journal of European Public Policy, vol. 21 (1).

IRMO Zagreb (2014)

Speeding up Moldova’s EU Integration Process through Progress in the Field of Anticorruption – Lessons Learned from Croatia.


available at link (pdf).

Christophe Blot, Olivier Rozenberg, Francesco Saranenco, et al. (ed.) (2014)

Reforming Europe.


available in Revue de l’OFCE Debates and Policies, no. 134, pp. 1-261.

Filip Kostelka (2014)

The State of Political Participation in Post-Communist Democracies: Low but Surprisingly Little Biased Citizen Engagement.


available in Europe-Asia studies.

Claudia Hefftler, Christine Neuhold, Olivier Rozenberg, et al. (ed.) (2014)

Palgrave Handbook on National Parliaments and the European Union.


available at Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan